Terms & Conditions

Parents please drop and collect students at Studio 1 door for Ballet and Studio 2 double doors for Modern / Contemporary Dance.

Please be on time and students need to arrive already dressed for class. There will be a space to put their outdoor shoes and coats when they arrive.

For very young children it is handy to have their ballet shoes already on and to wear shoes like crocs over them, which they can get on and off themselves easily.

Dance uniform must be worn each week for class. Please do not wear jumpers or cardigans which are not uniform in class. Hair for girls should be in a bun for ballet or low pony tail / plait for contemporary dance and modern dance. Dance uniform is as important as a school uniform.

Please LABEL all dance uniform and dance shoes with your child's NAME.

Dance students enter via Studio 1 Door for Ballet and Studio 2 Door for Modern / Contemporary Dance.

Parents can wait in their car or drop and return to collect at the end of class. Unfortunately we can't accommodate parents to watch class.

Due to the physical nature of dance, on occasion some physical contact between teacher and student is used to correct alignment and placing when correcting technique. However this is not a frequent teaching method and permission from the student would be sought before using this method.

It is ideal if small children can manage using the bathroom by themselves. It can be useful to help them to practice pulling tights and leotards up and down at home. It may be necessary for a teacher to help them if they can't manage this by themselves. Also it is ideal if small kids can use the bathroom at home before arriving for ballet class so they don't miss parts of class.

Due to the nature of dance and children, some slips and falls in class are inevitable.

It would be usual to pick up a small child and sit with them and comfort them if they have a fall or are upset in class.

In the event of any accident, permission is granted to seek medical treatment if required.

Please declare all medical conditions during registration and keep us up to date should any details change.

Term fees are due in full at the beginning of each block of ten weeks. There are three ten week terms in the dance year. Preferred payment option is online.

If a class has to be cancelled for any reason, an alternative date will be set to re schedule the missed class and no refund of the cost of that class payment can be made.

If a student does not complete a ten week term, unfortunately a refund of fees for the remaining weeks cannot be offered.

Students who wish to perform in the end of year show must attend the dress rehearsal for the show which is scheduled at a selected time on the day of the show at the National Opera House.

Senior students must attend all rehearsal weeks in the run up to the show.

The decision whether a student is ready to take dance exams or to begin pointe work rests solely with the teachers and can be discussed with parents if required.

Please inform the school if you wish to audition for any dance competitions or youth companies etc

Week day mornings are the best time if you wish to discuss any concerns or queries throughout the dance year.